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$4.39 - $42.09

Plants: 2400 Copyright-Free Illustrations of Flowers, Trees, Fruits, and Vegetables is a magnificent compendium of finely detailed plant images from the Victorian era – all identified with Latin and common names and arranged alphabetically by family.

Hundreds of plant species – from lilies, lichens, poppies and palms to mushrooms, mosses, marigolds and maples – are supplemented by specialized appendices on edible plants, medicinal herbs, and plants used in decoration and in graphic design.

The book is an indispensable source of inspiration and royalty-free graphics for designers and artists as well as a captivating compendium for botanists, gardeners, and collectors of old engravings.

Book specifications: paperback, 384 pgs., 9 3/8 in. x 12 1/4 in.
Publisher: Dover, 1998.

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