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{"itemVIPP":"$1.99 - $22.59","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$2.28 - $26.01","itemMSRP":"$6.20 - $35.76","extra_savings":"$3.42","itemVipSavings":"21% - 25%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
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These tub shaped pencil sharpeners are designed to sharpen your pencils quickly and easily with a minimum of mess. They feature metal sharpener inserts, hinged covers to prevent shavings from spilling, and lids with safety locks to avoid accidental openings.

Single-hole sharpener has one sharpener for standard-sized graphite pencils up to 8.2 mm. in diameter. Double-hole sharpener has two sharpeners, one for standard-sized graphite pencils up to 8.2 mm. in diameter and one for thick graphite and colored pencils up to 10.2 mm. in diameter.

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