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{"itemVIPP":"$11.69 - $17.59","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$13.49 - $20.29","itemMSRP":"$21.99 - $31.99","extra_savings":"$2.70","itemVipSavings":"25%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
SKU: 50055
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No matter the material, style, or project, Marabu YONO Opaque Acrylic Markers conquer almost all! The water-based acrylic paint is permanent on absorbent materials such as paper or wood, but it can be wiped off with a damp cloth from non-absorbent surfaces like glass. YONO guarantees brilliant color results suitable for light and dark surfaces. Never worry about getting the perfect marker for the job ever again! The easy-to-use pump system delivers a consistent flow of paint to write and draw on metal, glass, fabric, stone, concrete, wood, plastic, cardboard, ceramic, leather, canvas and more.

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