MisterArt.com Guarantee

We are so confident that MisterArt.com has the lowest prices on the Internet that we encourage you to shop around. MisterArt.com guarantees to match or beat any competitor's advertised website prices with credit back to your original form of payment. As a special thank you, we will also send you a gift certificate towards your next purchase!
While our MisterArt.com Guarantee applies to our Non-Member Prices, you can save even more with our VIP Savings Club which offers additional discounts, expedited shipping, special offers and more.
How do I apply for the MisterArt.com Guarantee?First place your order for the price matched item on MisterArt.com. Once you receive your order number (either on the order confirmation page or in your order confirmation email), simply fill out the Price Match form below. In addition to your name, order number, and email address, you must include the MisterArt.com item number of the product in question, the price displayed on the competitor's website, and the exact URL where the product price can be viewed. Our customer service team will then take that information and research the competitive price. If the price match meets the guidelines described below, you will receive credit for the price difference back to your original form of payment. For example, if you paid for your original purchase with a credit card, we will refund your card the amount of the price difference. If you paid with a check, we will mail you a check. If you paid with a gift certificate, we will refund your gift certificate. In addition, no matter what the original form of payment, you will receive a small gift certificate as a thank you in your email, two to three business days from the date of your price match submission. If the product is not eligible for a price match for any reason, our customer service team will notify you. You must purchase the item prior to submitting a price match, and requests will be accepted up to 14 days from the time you placed your order. Which products qualify for the MisterArt.com Guarantee?All products found on MisterArt.com except books and certain special order merchandise are eligible for our price match. Gift certificates, gift cards and free promotional items do not qualify for a price match. Does the price match apply to any website?MisterArt.com will match advertised prices from legitimate online retail competitors operating in the United States. Products must not be items sold at auction sites (such as eBay), discount sites (such as Overstock), Amazon.com or its affiliates, membership club sites (such as Sam's or Costco), group-buying sites (such as Groupon), or on comparison shopping sites (such as Shopzilla). Items must not be sold for special events (such as grand openings, anniversary, clearance, closeout, liquidation or Black Friday sales). How is the price determined?The price match applies to the actual price listed for an individual product, not what is paid at checkout. MisterArt.com does not match taxes, shipping, handling or typographical errors. In addition, sales prices, special offers, rebates, membership-only pricing, coupons, free items with purchase, shipping promotions, limited quantities, offers for sale for less than six hours a day, free offers, bundled offers, and financing offers will not be price matched. When will I receive the gift certificate?After your order is processed and your price match verified, a separate email will automatically be generated providing a gift certificate code to be used on your next order. Type this code into the gift certificate field at checkout, and your order price will automatically be reduced by the amount of the gift certificate. What is necessary to get a price match?After purchasing the item(s) at MisterArt.com, simply fill out the form below with your information, and we'll contact you via email within two to three business days. Price match requests must be submitted within 14 days of your order being placed. Please note that MisterArt.com will only match the advertised online price for identical, new, in-stock product (available for immediate purchase and delivery within seven days). Used, refurbished, damaged, returned, open box or display merchandise will not be price matched. MisterArt.com must be able to verify the price and availability, and we may limit quantities of price matched items. MisterArt.com reserves the right to deny claims if this policy is being abused. The terms of the MisterArt.com Guarantee are subject to change without prior notice. If you have any other questions, please contact us. |