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{"itemVIPP":"$3.22 - $6.59","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$3.65 - $7.39","itemMSRP":"$4.29 - $8.20","extra_savings":"$0.80","itemVipSavings":"10% - 15%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$4.29 - $8.20
10% - 15%

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$3.65 - $7.39

Color Pour Pre-Mixed Paint Kits allow you to create colorful and unique masterpieces using the trending technique, paint pouring! Each 4 oz. water-based paint is specially formulated with Cell Magic to ensure optimal flow and amazing results every time! The addition of Cell Magic results in a self-celling formula, so you can produce unique and gorgeous patterns without requiring heat or silicone oil. Colors dry to a water-resistant finish.

These themed acrylic pouring kits contain 4 colors that are designed to mix well and pair perfectly to get you started on your project!

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