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{"itemVIPP":"$3.79 - $4.89","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$4.35 - $5.59","itemMSRP":"$5.80 - $7.50","extra_savings":"$0.70","itemVipSavings":"25%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$5.80 - $7.50

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$4.35 - $5.59

A fast and accurate tool for cutting small wood strips to length. Easy to use, with a convenient die-cast aluminum angle plate, it's a sure way to make accurate angle cuts. Eliminates the need for expensive and intimidating power tools. The new Easy Cutter Ultimate (shown) features a self-indexing, movable fence with seven popular angles. Just select the angle you need and click the fence into position. The rest is easy. Adjustable fence with seven pre-set angles from 45 degrees to 135 degrees. Cuts strip wood up to 1/2 in. thick. Accurately cuts angles in seconds. Eliminates the need for protectors and squares. No-slip rubber grip. Safety lock handle.

The Super Easy Cutter is a "junior" version of the Easy Cutter Ultimate; use with materials up to 1/4 in. thick. Easy for small hands to use!

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