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{"itemVIPP":"$24.67 - $35.27","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$28.67 - $40.97","itemMSRP":"$39.78 - $56.82","extra_savings":"$5.70","itemVipSavings":"28%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$39.78 - $56.82

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$28.67 - $40.97

Ranger's reusable, protective sheet is the answer to all your craft surface needs. Nothing sticks to it! The slick, non-porous material withstands high temperatures, and is the perfect complement to the Ranger Melting Pot.

Embossing powders, candle wax, soap chips and even hot glue won't penetrate or distort its smooth-as-glass finish. Any excess melted product, once cooled, can be easily removed and placed back into the Melting Pot or stored for future projects.

Clean up is quick and easy, ready to use again and again. The Ranger Non-Stick Craft Sheet is great for use when crafting, embossing, stamping, decoupaging, coloring, brayering, and working with clays. It can even be used as a paint palette or when ironing to protect your ironing surface!

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