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{"itemVIPP":"$6.39 - $11.19","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$7.29 - $12.89","itemMSRP":"$10.26 - $17.99","extra_savings":"$1.70","itemVipSavings":"20%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$10.26 - $17.99

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$7.29 - $12.89

Gives you the writing ease of a pen with glue in a ballpoint barrel. Put glue on paper as easily as signing your name. A permanent or temporary bond is possible in a generous 0.7mm line. Shake-free and squeeze-free, Quickie Glue lays down a smooth line without uncontrolled spreading or globing. Create a lot or a little sparkle by making a straight, curvy, or dotted line with Quickie Glue and sprinkle with glitter. Use for scrapbooking and paper crafts, handmade stationary, use with glitter powders and confetti. Odor free. Creates permanent or temporary bond. (When glue is blue in color, the bond is permanent. When glue is clear, the bond is removable.)

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