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{"itemVIPP":"$2.63 - $2.75","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$2.98 - $3.15","itemMSRP":"$3.59 - $3.68","extra_savings":"$0.40","itemVipSavings":"15%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
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$2.98 - $3.15

Bring 3 dinosaur fossils to life using colorful clay! A perfect STEAM activity combining art, adventure, science, and fun. The modeling clay won’t dry out and mixes easily to create custom colors. The armature skeletons of a Triceratops (5 ¾ in. L x 1 ⅝ in. W x 2 in. H), T-Rex (5 ⅜ in. L x 2 ¼ in. W x 3 ¾ in. H), and Stegosaurus (5 ¾ in. L x 1 ⅝ in. W x 2 ¼ in. H) provide the support for the successful creation of these prehistoric creatures.

The kit includes 3 plastic dinosaur skeletons, 5 colors of non-drying clay (50 g each), modeling clay tools, wiggly eyes, and instructions. For ages 5+

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