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{"itemVIPP":"$23.09 - $44.45","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$26.39 - $50.80","itemMSRP":"$32.99 - $68.99","extra_savings":"$6.35","itemVipSavings":"20% - 26%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
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This multi-ring refillable binder features a sleek, contemporary exterior design with durable, matte black precision steel binder rings. Made from a unique proprietary process, the polypropylene cover is rigid to protect the contents, yet lightweight for easy transport. A unique center mounted, multi-fold spine allows the binder to lay perfectly flat during presentations.

Also available in a mini format with a narrower spine, allowing for a slim profile for presentations using up to 20 pocket sleeves.

Both formats are designed to be used in conjunction with Art Profolio Polyglass Pages refill sheets.

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