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{"itemVIPP":"$2.79 - $10.79","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$3.15 - $12.15","itemMSRP":"$3.50 - $13.50","extra_savings":"$1.36","itemVipSavings":"10%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$3.50 - $13.50

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$3.15 - $12.15

Perfect Medium Pens, designed for use with Perfect Pearls Pigments and embossing powders, add drama to your artwork. Perfect medium develops an acid-free bond with Perfect Pearls, allowing the pigments to set without the use of a fixative. The pens are a great choice for scrapbookers, rubber stampers, calligraphers, book makers, journalists, and paper crafters.

The Perfect Medium Pen set contains two pens, each with a distinct nib. One pen has a fine bullet tip that's great for writing, printing, drawing, and making ruler lines. The other pen has a versatile brush tip that's perfect for painting in small or large areas and for creating unique design elements.

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