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$10.00 - $16.67

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$8.99 - $14.99

Ranger Distress Inks are a collection of twenty-four acid-free, non-toxic, fade resistant, water-based dye inks. They’re perfect for the new vintage, stained, aged effect crafters are creating in their altered books, scrapbook pages, cards, and paper craft projects.

These inks produce a realistic, weathered look on paper, photos, and decorative fibers. All the colorful Distress Inks afford added versatility when photo tinting and color layering.

Inked pads measure 2 in. x 2 in. and are made with a higher raised felt for easier use with direct to paper techniques.

Reinker bottles of each color are also available. The bottles are 1/2 oz. (15 ml) and have eye drop applicator caps.

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