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{"itemVIPP":"$7.79 - $97.28","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$9.20 - $114.89","itemMSRP":"$14.15 - $176.75","extra_savings":"$17.61","itemVipSavings":"35%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$14.15 - $176.75

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$9.20 - $114.89

Distress Foundry Wax is designed to create luminous metallic highlights on porous and non-porous surfaces. The fluid wax transforms into a vibrant metallic finish once heat is applied. To use, shake bottle until mixing ball rattles and pigments mix. Apply drops of wax to Craft Sheet. Apply directly to surface using a dry paintbrush or your finger. Heat with a Heat Tool to transform finish. Kit 1 includes colors Gilded and Mined. Kit 2 includes colors Sterling and Statue. Both Sets offered in packs of two 0.5 fl. oz. bottles. Keep bottles away from heat source. Gloves recommended for users with skin sensitivity.

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