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{"itemVIPP":"$18.09","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$20.58 - $20.59","itemMSRP":"$25.73","extra_savings":"$2.50","itemVipSavings":"20%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}

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$20.58 - $20.59

The perfect gift or party prize polymer clay set! Sculpey III offers the same softness and ease of handling as Original Sculpey but adds the dimension of color. Each set contains ten 2 oz. bars, categorized by color family. Sculpey III is the perfect sculpting medium for creating special projects for every occasion. It remains soft and pliable until you bake it in your oven. Once baked, pieces can be polished, sanded, drilled, carved, painted with water based acrylics, or coated with Sculpey Glaze.

Classics Set contains black, white, chocolate, emerald, yellow, just orange, beige, red, purple, and blue.

Naturals Set contains white, black, elephant gray, leaf green, red, hazelnut, sweet potato, beige, suede brown, and tan.

Brights Set contains white, yellow, orange, red hot red, hot pink, fuchsia pearl, violet, purple, turquoise, and granny smith.

Pottery or dishes made from Sculpey should be used for decorative purposes and should not be used with food, beverages, or smoking materials.

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