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{"itemVIPP":"$1.06 - $8.29","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$1.22 - $9.59","itemMSRP":"$1.60 - $13.71","extra_savings":"$1.30","itemVipSavings":"23%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
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$1.22 - $9.59

Winsor & Newton Water Colour papers are made with a traditional cylinder mould to ensure that the fibers are dispersed and interwoven, giving the paper exceptional strength and dimensional stability. The paper is internally and externally sized.

Winsor & Newton Classic Water Colour Papers are made from a more affordable, yet still exceptionally high quality archival grade cellulose wood pulp, and natural artesian well spring water with neutral pH properties. Classic Water Colour Paper Pads are available in a 140 lb. cold pressed surface, either spiral bound or side glued. 12 sheets per pad. They are convenient for the Artist on the go.

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