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{"itemVIPP":"$4.35 - $8.39","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$5.09 - $9.79","itemMSRP":"$8.23 - $13.89","extra_savings":"$1.40","itemVipSavings":"30%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$8.23 - $13.89

Non-Member Price:

$5.09 - $9.79

Walnut Hollow developed this heat tool for the individual who likes to do it all with a variety of options and functions required by hobbyists, crafters, and artists alike. The Tool is ideal for woodburning, leather crafting, soldering, stamping, paper crafting, hot-knife cutting, image transferring, embossing, stencil cutting, and item personalization.

The Versa-Tool comes with:

  • 450° - 950° Variable Temperature Control dial with On/Off setting
  • Metal tool stand
  • Plastic storage case with dividers
  • 11 interchangeable points
  • Lead free solder with rosin core
  • Instructions and tips for suggested techniques

Select from the following tips styles to fit your project: Universal Point, Flow Point, Tapered Point, Calligraphy Point, Shading Point, Transfer Point, Hot-Knife Point, Soldering Point, and 3 Hot Stamping designs.

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