
For more than 100 years the Architectural League of New York has helped architects, artists, and the public enrich their understanding of the purposes and importance of architecture. The League has remained remarkably consistent in its goals over the years, always focused on the understanding and development of the aesthetic, cultural, and social concerns of the discipline. Through its exhibitions, competitions, design studies, publications, and public programs the League has an international impact, in addition to its prominent role in New York artistic and civic life. The League originated in a January 1881 meeting called by Cass Gilbert at the Salmagundi Club. Today, the League continues its tradition of fostering the development of younger architects through its annual Young Architects Forum competition, exhibition, and lecture series, the Emerging Voices program, and design studies on public building issues that offer young architects a chance to investigate building types they would otherwise not have a chance to address until much later in their careers.
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