
The Association of Art Historians was formed in the UK in 1974 to promote, shape, and secure the study of art history and visual culture. The AAH represents the interests of art and design historians in all aspects of the discipline, including art, design, architecture, photography, film and other media, cultural studies, conservation and museum studies. The AAH prides itself on offering a diverse range of activities, resources and funding opportunities for members and non-members involved with art history. The Association's activities and events program broadly reflects the interests and needs of the those involved with museums & exhibitions, academics in further & higher education, independent freelancers, art history teachers and students. AAH membership reflects this breadth of interest with around 1,400 members in the UK and overseas. The Association is affiliated with similar societies in America, Canada, Australia and Europe, including the Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art (CIHA).
[Visit the website for Association of Art Historians]
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