
The North East Watercolor Society was formed by Babette Roy and Don Selchow at a small bistro in Woodstock, New York. The NEWS was established under the inspiration of internationally famous teacher and artist, John Pike, whose students formed the nucleus of its charter membership. The first formal meeting, at Roy's Warwick home, included the fifteen charter members who named the organization "The Orange County Watercolor Society" and expressed the aim of the organization, the "promotion and preservation of watercolor painting." Membership expanded with the introduction of the National Juried Show in 1976 and, with revision of the by laws, the name of the organization was changed to the North East Watercolor Society to reflect the wide range of membership. The October juried exhibition is held now at the Gallery of the Kent Art Association, Kent, CT, and boasts some of today’s finest and most renowned watercolorists. The Association sponsors two workshops with nationally known artists and two demonstrations as well as at least one member show per year.
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