Styles & Periods

Greek Art
The power of the Greek civilization gave rise to one of the most inspiring flourishes of art the world has witnessed. The earliest Greek art is characterized by its geometry and schematic design. The Greek sculpture icons, Kouros and Kore, represent the beginnings of large sculpture, and are among the first free-standing sculptures. These idealized portraits of youth carved in marble seem to have served multiple purposes. Kouros was sometimes used to represent the god Apollo, and also served funerary purposes, appearing at gravesites as memorial tombstones. In later Greek sculpture, the development of contraposition, the torsion of the upper and lower-halves of the body, catapulted the depiction of human movement into a realm of mastery. Greek sculptures show extreme technical skill, resulting in images of draped goddesses and exaggerated energy. The creative aptitude of the ancient Greeks is also clearly evident in their architectural innovations. Greek architecture formulated a system of categorizing buildings based upon the capitals of their columns, called orders. The Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders were also associated with generalized temple plans, upon which much of today’s architecture is based. Many masters of the modern world, beginning with the artists of the Renaissance, have turned to the art of Greece for examples of proportion, beauty, and style, a template of aesthetics which has shaped the trajectory of western art for centuries.
- 20th Century Architecture
- 20th Century Photography
- 20th Century Sculpture
- Abstract Expressionism
- Aegean Art
- African Art
- Archaic Asian Art
- Art Nouveau
- Arte Povera
- Ashcan School
- Avant-Garde
- Barbizon School
- Baroque
- Bauhaus
- Body Art
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- Byzantine Art
- Carolingian Art
- Celtic Art/ Early Medieval Art
- Chinese Painting
- Color-Field Painting
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- De Stijl
- Die Blaue Vier
- Die Brücke
- Divisionism
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- Early Renaissance
- Earthworks
- Egyptian Art
- Environmental Art
- Etruscan Art
- Expressionism
- Fauvism
- Feminist Art
- Funk Art
- Futurism
- Gothic Art
- Graffiti Art
- Greek Art
- Happenings
- Hard-Edge Painting
- Hellenistic Art
- High Renaissance
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- International Gothic
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- Kinetic Art
- Korean Ceramics
- Mannerism
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- Neoclassicism
- Neo-Expressionism
- Neoplasticism
- Northern Renaissance
- Oceanic Art
- Optical Art
- Ottonian Art
- Outsider Art
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- Photo Realism
- Pop Art
- Post-Impressionism
- Postminimalism
- Post-Painterly Abstraction
- Precisionism
- Prehistoric Art
- Pre-Raphaelites
- Process Art
- Public Art
- Purism
- Realism
- Regionalism
- Rococo
- Roman Art
- Romanesque
- Romanticism
- Social Realism
- Spatialism
- Suprematism
- Surrealism
- Symbolism
- Synthetism
- Tonalism
- Video Art
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