
Founded in 1962, the Art Dealers Association of America is a non-profit membership organization of the nation's leading dealers in the fine arts. Its purposes are to promote the highest standards of connoisseurship, scholarship and ethical practice within the profession and to increase public awareness of the role and responsibilities of reputable art dealers. ADAA members deal primarily in paintings, drawings, sculpture, graphics and photographs from the Renaissance to the present day. Each ADAA member is an experienced and knowledgeable dealer in the types of art he or she offers for sale. Only a handful of art dealers, all of them in New York City, joined Ralph F. Colin in establishing ADAA. Among the founding members were Alexandre P. Rosenberg, the Association's first president, and Pierre Matisse, president of ADAA from 1964 to 1966. Today, the Association has 175 member galleries in more than twenty-five cities throughout the United States.
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